Vlog: A Sunday Well Spent

A relaxing, rainy, and bed-lingered Sunday Vlog with a bit of exercise, creativity and quality time well spent with loved ones.

(Cozy and Relaxing)


Travel Vlog: Bermuda

Motivation: Clean With Me Vlog

I am so happy and grateful for that beautiful, relaxing Sunday. It was perfect.

It was one of those get up early, have breakfast, crawl back into bed and listen to nature kind of Sundays for me. Oh, and the steady sound of dancing rain! *Chef’s kiss!*

By the way, lo-key, I wonder if I should get into bird watching! Listening to them tweet back and forth to each other is so fascinating! I’d hear, “tweet, tweet, tweeeeet.” And the other, same type of bird would reply, “tweet, tweet, tweeeeeet, tweet. Tweet.” LOLOL! So cool!

I would totally do a nature walk to learn more about my birds in my community. My sister once took a Birds of Michigan class in college and told me so many interesting about birds…I just might have to make class happen. Y’all know I will keep you all posted!

What do you like to do in rainy weather? Nap? Eat? Listen to music?

Either way, I hope this video inspires you to enjoy the rain (if you don’t already) until the sun comes back out to play.

**Book I’m reading: The Devil You Know, Charles M. Blow

**Need cozy bedding? Some of my favorites:

Pottery Barn (400-Thread-Count Organic Percale Sheet Set)

Pottery Barn (Belgian Flax Linen Duvet Cover & Shams in the color Chambray)

See you again soon.




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Vlog: A Sunday Well Spent

A well rested Sunday, spent reading and relaxing.

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    • LaRie
      05/14/2021 / 10:03 pm

      Yay! Please let me
      Know what I think. I’m a salad eating fool!😹

  1. Lerato Sehoole
    04/07/2021 / 1:49 pm

    Birds are my friends. I always say to my teenage daughter God gave me my grandmother to teach me about things that can keep me sane. When she doesn’t want to talk to me I will say remember your siblings birds will make me happy. I spend my Sundays 1st attending Christmas meetings on Zoom. Then I do preaching work using phone or writing letters as I am Jehovah’s Witness that is very important to my mental health. Now I want to include walking after watching this video. This past Sunday sister took us to Bunny Park. It was beautiful to play with kids and parents while my grandmother was just watching us. Your Vidoes are so helpful am truly grateful for them. Stay blessed.

    • LaRie
      04/12/2021 / 3:09 pm

      Thank you so much Lerato for! Yes, birds are our friends! That being said, I will swiftly shoo a pelican because they can be quite rude. hahaha! So your Sundays are well spent too. And it’s so wonderful that you have a way to share your word by phone or writing since we are temporarily limited to meetup in person.

      Yes, walking! It’s such an simple and relaxing, but effective exercise.

  2. LaRie
    04/06/2021 / 2:15 am

    A relaxing Sunday…how did you spend your Sunday? We spend time with family, did a “Hello Spring” gathering, and relaxed. Hope you’re all well! Talk soon!

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