My Current Wellness Plan

healthy beautiful salad. Fit black woman

My Current Wellness Plan

The most important part of wellness: Food.

Here is what my current wellness plan looks like until I reach my goal weight of 120-125lbs. I am 5’3.5″ and I weigh 140.


  • 1100-1200 calories per day
  • Low carb meals (No more than 125-150 carbs per day)
  • 1 “cheat” meal (eat whatever I want for 1 meal)
  • 64ozs of water per day

Even as a vegetarian, salad was not always my first choice. The thought of standing to chop and prep when I could quickly grab something like a cookie, chips or a bite of chocolate became my default.

With my quick grabs I got into a bad of habit of eating way too many carbs and craving them even more. And my new found love for bread caught me off guard. I did not like bread, then one day I found myself eating it everyday, sometimes 2x a day. It’s so easy to toast and enjoy with a sweet coffee. Or turn into a grilled cheese in a snap!

For the first time, in life, my eating habits got the best of me. Not anymore.

As a mom of 2 very active, young children I let myself get “worn out” by our day to day schedule of school, school work, extra curricular activities, sometimes having to cook 2 meals for dinner, laundry, cleaning, work…

So at the end of the day I would find that I had forgotten to eat and would resort to snacking and planning to eat later.

Later would arrive and it usually meant the kids were in bed after an hour of showering and bedtime stories. I’d then crash to the floor sit down for the first time all day, grab a bar of chocolate, a glass of wine, and my phone (and often edit videos for my channel until 2am)… And that would be it.

Boy have things changed! I am eating much healthier, cleaner, fresher options.

Plenty of steamed vegetables, salads, fruit, tofu, beans and etc… I plan to share a few recipes, so please stay in touch!

*I’ve also cut back on producing content for my channel, which I hope to get back to very soon.


  • 1 hour of exercise 6 days a week, I rest on Sunday. (brisk walk 3-5 miles and as of late, I’ve decided to run instead. Soon I will be incorporating light hand weight to any walks I choose todo)
  • Fun, dance inspired exercise with friends is something I will do more of. Recommended by my friend Kay, I did this one for first time yesterday, and it was so fun! It gets your heart pumping without it feeling so much like a workout.

Mental Health

What about you? Are you stepping up your wellness game?

I would love to hear about it or answer any questions you might have, hit me up!




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  1. Jason Orr Jr.
    05/05/2020 / 7:15 pm

    I loved this! Makes me want to put together a wellness plan for the summer!

    • LaRie
      05/12/2020 / 2:29 pm

      Thank you so much Jason!! Yes, a plan is the way to go! I’m acting thinking about meal planning too. It’s too easy to grab a junky snack instead of reaching for fruit or something healthy in the fly.

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