Venice, Italy: Everything We Did For Our Week.
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In this video throwback I am sharing how my babies and I spent our week in Venice, Italy.
This was my first time traveling internationally with my 2 children and boy was it an adventure!
However, it was much easier than most might imagine!
Stay tuned for part 2!
One week in Venice was too way short, but in this Italian travel vlog we saw so much of Venice!
We visited local and touristy spots like Piazza San Marco, took a gondola taxi ride, Rialto Bridge, Rialto Famers Market, peekend into and shopped at local stores, and just people watched on the streets of Venice, Italy.
Our apartment had fun views of a busy restaurant and a few shops, so the kids and I had a great time watching the day unfold as people traversed our little square. From a musical trio to a baby’s cries, we got to see it all. We even had a gelataria downstairs to boot!
Our mini vacation in Venice was the perfect addition to our month in Europe. I cant wait to share the rest of everything we did for our remaining weeks in France!
In short, our 2019 was so full of everything travel and I am so grateful we got to do it!
It makes incredibly happy to know I took every opportunity to travel as much as possible, even more so now that we are restricted.
Thank you for tagging along.
#veniceitaly #venicevlog #travelguidevenice