Grez-sur-Loing, France (New Video!)
7 New Brands to Try Today: Take a look
Travel Vlog: Venice, Italy
Grez-sur-Loing, France (New Video!)
Grez-sur-Loing is known as an Art Colony.
This small, but charming, town captured my heart.
The people in this town were unbothered by my presence and friendly. Like, genuinely friendly. Not in a weird, “Woooow, a Black person, where are you from?” friendly kind of way.
Sadly, it always pleasantly surprises me to drive around foreign countries and find friendly people who aren’t angered by my mere existence. No weird stares or anger, hate, tense airs, or outrage. Just people going about their business, un-pressed, and welcoming. Wow.
Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for America.
For example, while attending college in a predominately white town some of its residents would yell slurs out of their car windows. And one time someone actually tossed drink in my direction!
Something similar also happened to me in Santa Monica, CA.
Moreover, I have been called the N-word more times in NYC than any place I have ever lived in the country. Yes, the “melting pot” of the world. New York is not as accepting as it is touted to be.
Anywho, as I was sayin’.
Not gon’ front, I didn’t quite know what to expect driving the roads of France, alone, with my children.
Before my children and I set out on our road trip I kept asking myself if I, “Were being smart, safe, or doing too much?”
This land is made-for-you-and-me, however, I still felt nervous to strike out on such an adventure without my husband.
Unfortunately, I didn’t know how I would be received by random French people as I drove hours away from Paris and its “diversity”.
Would I stumble into some weird, shady, scary town to be chased away, harassed, or worse, in danger with my babies?
I actually feel a bit of discomfort at the thought of just writing such a sentence. Sheesh!
Yet, I refuse to live my life in fear of what someone might think of me or might want to do to me.
Living in fear is NOT LIVING.
I am going to travel this world.
Happily my experiences in the French countryside were far better than I allowed myself to imagine.
It was a DREAM!
Entirely beautiful and pleasant.
To clarify, I was not consumed with the thought that I would be hated and in danger at all times, otherwise I would not have taken the trip.
But I know I have to be cognizant of who I am and how the world views me and my children while moving about this world.
Grez-sur-Loing, France (New Video!)

Too cute!That bee had to be enormous, I could hear it well😳. Had it been me behind the camera, I would have film the sky.. lol. That’s how fast the camera would have hit the ground. Oh well, thanks for sharing such a lovely adventure. The scenery looked as if coming right out of a magazine. Can’t wait to see the next post.
The bee was so huge! LOL! Awww, thank you for such kind words momma! I love you