Ok. If you’ve been using every piece of your broccoli I am a wee bit ashamed to share today’s recipe. But, here we go. AN Easy Supper Idea: Delicious Shaved Broccoli a la Platé👌🏾
Recipe: Simple, but delectable, low-cab pizza
VLOG: Our gorgeous trip to France

A little more than a year ago I went to a restaurant, famished, but trying to choose something as healthy as possible to eat. Well, as healthy as one can be in my Jersey neighborhood (all the shade😒).
As I perused the menu an option for shaved broccoli salad with tahini and pan roasted pine nuts caught my eye… Oooooh. Can’t loose with tahini, right? I was like “ooooh, ahhhhhh”…. “and how does one shave a broccoli anyway?” “Guess I’m about to find out!”🍽😀
So I order my 12.00 broccoli salad and didn’t quite know what to expect, but I was excited!
The salad arrived and it was shaved broccoli STALKS with toppings.
Yes. I had paid 12.00 for shaved broccoli stalks. The part I, shamefully 😬, generally threw in the trash until I decided to experiment with this recipe a few days ago. Lesson learned.
Can’t knock the hustle, but a lesson I learned that day was: Look for ways to be creative while cooking with foods that might “require” any portion to be trashed.
I cook broccoli often and decided to shave my stalks with a simple parring knife and steam them like I normally steam broccoli (5-6mins) and arrived at a delicious side dish that I want to share with you ( you can also make them thinner with a potato peeler for a ribbon effect).
In short, learn from my mistake, don’t pay 12.00 for broccoli stalks.
Catch the easy recipe below!

Cook Time: 5-6 Minutes
Broccoli Stalks
Garlic Powder
Smoked Paprika
Onion Powder
*** I eye-balled everything, so when trying this recipe use small amounts (start with a pinch if you’re learning to cook) and work your way up.
Easy Supper Idea: Delicious Shaved Broccoli a la Platé👌🏾
***Another take on shaved broccoli, CLICK HERE.
#dinneridea #easysupperideas #supper #supperideas #supperrecipes
Omg, I was today years old when I found out about shaved broccoli! Ha! Very cool idea.
Hahaha!! Thank you Ki!